F.A.T.E - From Atheism To Enlightenment

F.A.T.E. Season 2 Ep. 19 "Paranormal Possibilities"

Busby Season 2 Episode 19

This week on the F.A.T.E. podcast I have paranormal investigator, and author John Fraser on the show. 

John has a new theory as to what the various paranormal phenomenon such as UFO’s and poltergeists could be and his latest book called “Paranormal Perspectives - One Big Box of Paranormal Tricks?” puts an interesting twist on this age old question that has plagued humanity since the dawn of time. 

Could all this phenomenon boil down to just one paranormal power? Join me for this fascinating conversation. 

Amazon.com: One Big Box of 'Paranormal Tricks'?: From Ghosts to Poltergeists to the Theory of Just One Paranormal Power: 9781803415246: Fraser, John: Books

#paranormal #alien #paranormalinvestigation #ghosts #UFO 

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