F.A.T.E - From Atheism To Enlightenment
From Atheism to Enlightenment (F.A.T.E.) follows my journey from happy atheist, to health crisis, to today, in the beginning of a spiritual awakening.
There will be guests from many different spiritual disciplines from shamanism to energy healers that will expand your knowledge and open your mind to the many wonders of what we are truly capable of, if we look within ourselves.
What is the true nature of our reality? What is consciousness? How much do our own belief systems limit us? Disease. Why do we get sick? What happens when we die?
I can't wait to talk about the mystical, the magical, and the spiritual with you. There are many questions to be asked and we will cover them all: From Atheism to Enlightenment.
F.A.T.E - From Atheism To Enlightenment
F.A.T.E. ~ Season 2 - Ep. 16 "The Spiritual Lives of Animals"
Do animals have spiritual lives? This week on the F.A.T.E.. podcast I have animal communicator Ellen Kohn on to talk about the spiritual lives of animals and her amazing new book “Be Like The Wind”. This remarkable book is the first of its kind as it was channeled to her from her three horses. It holds an impactful message for humans and teaches us the power of interspecies communication.
Ellen’s ability to communicate with her horses and other animals is a remarkable story that allows us to understand the deep complexities of animals and their spiritual lives. Join me to learn of their messages to humanity and how these three horses taught Ellen about life, love, and letting go.
Welcome to Your F.A.T.E.
To contribute to the Kohn Foundation- Click link below:
The Kohn Foundation - Home
To purchase "Be Like The Wind" on Amazon:
Be Like the Wind: Three Equines Channel Spiritual Light: Kohn, Ellen: 9781803416014: Amazon.com: Books
Ellen Kohn website: For readings, mediumship and animal communications:
Energy Healing | Animal Communication | Enlightened Animals
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If you have a story of spiritual awakening that you would like to tell, email me at fromatheismtoenlightenment@gmail.com